Texto atlas de histología
by Gartner, Leslie P.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: México (México) : McGraw-Hill Interamericana: 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.018 G244t1] (2).
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Manual de patología estructural y funcional
by Robbins, Stanley L;
Cotran, Ramzi S;
Kumar, Vinay;
Collins, Tucker;
Alvarez Baleriola, Isabel;
Sánchez Creus, Pablo.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: México (México): McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A. de C.V.; 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [R616.07 M294m] (1).
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Citología e Histología Vegetal y Animal: Biología de las células y tejidos animales y vegetales
by Paniagua Gómez-Álvarez, Ricardo;
Martin de Serrano, Manuel Nistal;
Sesma Egozcue, Maria Pilar;
Alvarez Uría rico - Valdemoro, Manuel;
Anadón Alvarez, Ramón;
Fraile Láiz, Benito;
Sáenz Crespo, Francisco José.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: Madrid : McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España, S. A. U.; 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [571.6 P1935] (1).
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by Prescott, Lansing M.
Edition: 4 ed.Publisher: Madrid : McGraw-Hill Interamericana 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [579 P929m] (3).
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GenéticaEdition: 7 ed.Publisher: Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [576.5 G328g] (1).
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Genética: fundamentos y perspectivas
by Puertas Gallego, María Jesús.
Publisher: Colombia McGraw - Hill 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [576.5 P977g] (1).
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Anatomía, fisiología y oclusión dentales de Wheeler
by Ash, Major M;
Cervera Pineda, Claudia Patricia (tr.).
Edition: 7a Ed. 3a Ed. (Español)Publisher: México (México): Nueva Editorial Interamericana S.A.de C.V.; McGraw - Hill; 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.31 A87a] (4), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [611.31 A87a] (2).
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Tratado de Fisiología Médica
by Guyton, Arthur Clifton 1919-2003;
Edition: 9a ed.Publisher: Madrid (España) : McGraw - Hill, Interamericana de editores; 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612 G992t2] (1).
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Crecimiento Maxilofacial
by Enlow, Donald H;
Poston II, William Roger;
Ramos Tercero, José Antonio (Tr.).
Edition: 3a ed.Publisher: México (México): Nueva Editorial Interamericana. McGraw - Hill, 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.522 E55c 1990 ] (1), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.522 E55c 1990] (1).
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Farmacología FundamentalPublisher: Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [615 F233f] (1).
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Cecil : Tratado de Medicina Interna
by Goldman, Lee.
Edition: 21 ed.Publisher: Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [616 C388c] (2), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [616 C388c] (2).
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Robbins. Patología estructural y funcional
by Cotran, Ramzi S;
Kumar, Vinay;
Collins, Tucker.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: México: McGraw-Hill 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Cali (Dr. Jairo Forero Morales) [616.07/C845 ] (1), Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [616.07 C38p] (2).
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by Arenas Guzmán, Roberto.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: México: Interamericana. McGraw - Hill 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [616.969 A74m] (1).
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Tratado de operatoria dental
by Baum, Lloyd;
Phillips, Ralph W;
Lund, Melvin R;
Blengio Pinto, José Rafael.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana , 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Cali (Dr. Jairo Forero Morales) [617.6 B347 1996] (1), Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6 B347t 1995] (4), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.6 B347t 1995] (1).
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Manual de periodontología clínica
by Carranza, Fermín A.
Publisher: Mexico: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6320 C231m] (1).
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Desarrollo humano con aportaciones para Iberoamérica / Diane E. Papalia, Sally Wendkos Olds
by Papalia, Diane E.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: Colombia : McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [155.4 P19] (1).
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Psicología del desarrollo
by Papalia, Diane E;
Wendkos Olds, Sally;
Ávila de Barón, Cecilia;
Medellín Lozano, Elvers William.
Edition: 7 ed.Publisher: Santa Fe de Bogotá (Colombia) : McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A., 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [155.4 P213p 1998] (1).
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Periodontología Clínica
by Carranza, Fermín A.
Edition: 7 ed.Publisher: México: Interamericana Mcgraw Hill Other title: Periodontología Clínica de Glickman.Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6320 C312p4] (1).
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Antropología social : Texto básico de autoenseñanza
by Sánchez Osorio, Sylvia;
Blanco González, Francisco Javier.
Publisher: México, D.F. : McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A; 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [306 Sn19] (1).
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by Genco, Robert J.
Publisher: México: Interamericana .Mcgraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6320 G324p] (8), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.6320 G324p] (4).
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by Genco, Robert J;
Goldman, Henry M;
Genco, Robert J;
Cohen, D. Walter;
Cervera Pineda, Claudia Patricia;
Sentíes Castelló, Rossana.
Edition: 1 ed.Publisher: México : Interamericana. McGraw-Hill S.A. de C.V.; 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6320 G324p1 1993] (5), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.6320 G324p1 1993] (1).
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Periodontología Clínica
by Carranza, Fermin A.
Edition: 8 ed.Publisher: México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6320 C312p1] (1).
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by Ford, Pitt.
Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Other title: Harty Endodoncia en la práctica clínica.Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6342 F699e] (1), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.6342 F699e] (1).
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Estadística para biología y ciencias de la salud
by Milton, Janet Susan.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [570.72 M642e] (1).
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by Ingle, John Ide.
Edition: 4 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6342 I51e4] (1).
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Teoría y problemas de estadística
by Spiegel, Murray R.
Publisher: México D.F : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [519.5 S64] (4).
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Endodoncia Principios y Práctica Clínica
by Walton, Richard E.
Publisher: México : Interamericana-McGraw-Hill 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6342 W238e1] (1).
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Bioquímica básica
by Mazur, Abraham.
Edition: 10 ed.Publisher: Colombia : mcgraw-hill latinoamericana s.a. Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [574.192 M476b] (1).
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Endodoncia Principios y Práctica
by Walton, Richard E.
Edition: 2Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.6342 W238e] (10), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.6342 W238e] (1).
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by Mondragón, Espinoza. Jaime D.
Publisher: México : Interamericana-McGraw-Hill 1995Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
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Organic chemistry
by Cram, Donald J.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: Tokio : McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [547 C847] (1).
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Elements of biology
by Weisz, Paul B.
Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [570 W438] (1).
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No cover image available
by Bishara, Samir E.
Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.643 B622o] (1), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.643 B622o] (1).
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Ecología y formación ambiental
by Vásquez Torre, Guadalupe Ana María.
Publisher: México D.F : McGraw-Hill Latinoamericana S.A. Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [577.09 V9699] (1).
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by González Fernández, Adrían.
Publisher: México D.F : McGraw-Hill Latinoamericana S.A. Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [577.09 G5891] (1).
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Conceptos de bioquímica
by Reithel, Francis J.
Publisher: Colombia : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [572.01 R378c] (1).
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Investigación en salud : factores sociales
by Pardo de Vélez, Graciela.
Publisher: Santafé de Bogotá : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, S. A. Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [610.72 P226i] (2).
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Medicina basada en evidencias
by Sánchez Mendiola, Melchor.
Publisher: México D.F : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores S.A. de C.V. Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [619 S211m] (1).
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Metodología de la investigación en salud
by García Romero, Horacio.
Publisher: México D.F : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores S.A. de C.V. Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
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Metodología : Diseño y desarrollo del proceso de investigación
by Méndez Álvarez, Carlos Eduardo.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: Bogotá (Colombia): McGraw-Hill Interamericana, S. A.; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.0072 M35] (1).
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Odontología pediátrica
by Pinkham, J. R;
Cervera Pineda, Claudia Patricia (tr.).
Edition: 2a ed.Publisher: México (México): Nueva Editorial Interamericana, McGraw-Hill, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.645 P655o 1996] (1).
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Odontología pediátrica
by Pinkham, J. R;
Féher de la Torre, Guillermina (Tr.);
Adair, Steven M.
Edition: 3a ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana editores, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.645 P655o 2001] (3), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.9645 P655o 2001] (1).
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Manual de odontopediatría
by Andlaw, R. J;
Rock, W. P;
Cervera Pineda, Claudia Patricia (tr.).
Edition: 3a ed.Publisher: México (México) : Nueva Editorial Internacional-McGraw-Hill, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.645 A552m 1994] (2).
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Manual de odontopediatría
by Andlaw, R. J;
Rock, W. P;
Ramos Tercero, José Antonio (Tr.).
Edition: 2a ed.Publisher: México (México) : Nueva Editorial Interamericana McGraw-Hill, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.645 A552m 1989] (1).
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Manual de odontopediatría
by Andlaw, R. J;
Rock, W. P;
Féher de la Torre, Guillermina.
Edition: 4a ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Cali (Dr. Jairo Forero Morales) [617.645 A552] (3), Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.645 A552m 1999] (3), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [617.645 A552m 1999] (1).
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Biología celular
by Karp, Gerald.
Publisher: México D.F : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [571.6 K187b] (1).
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Odontología Pediátrica
by Rock, W. P.
Publisher: Madrid : Interamericana.Mcgraw-Hill Other title: Ilustraciones Diagnósticas en Odontología Pediatrica.Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [617.98 R682o] (1).
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Anatomía ilustrada de cabeza y cuello
by Fehrenbach, Margaret J;
Herring, Susan W;
Gonzalez Valdepena, Hugo, (Tr.);
Thomas, Pat, (Il.).
Edition: 1a Ed. (Español)Publisher: México (México) : McGraw - Hill Interamericana : 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.91 F34] (1), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [611.91 F34] (1).
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Compendio de histología
by Fawcett, Don W;
Jensh, Ronald P.
Edition: 1a Ed. 1a Ed. (Tr. Ingles)Publisher: Madrid (España): McGraw - Hill Interamericana 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.018 M19c] (2).
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Bloom, Fawcett : Tratado de histología
by Bloom, William, 1899-1972;
Fawcett, Don Wayne;
Herranz Rodríguez, Gonzálo, (Tr.).
Edition: 11 Ed.Publisher: Madrid (España): Nueva Editorial Interamericana, McGraw-Hill; 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.018 B65t] (2).
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Histología y embriología bucal
by Davis, Walter L;
Hernández Zamora, Carlos (Tr.).
Edition: 1a ed. (Español).Publisher: México (México) : McGraw-Hill, Nueva Editorial Interamericana, S.A. de C.V.; 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.31 D261] (3), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [611.31 D261] (1).
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Métodos de Investigación en Psicología y Educación
by León Orfelio G.
-- Universidad Autónoma de MadridFacultad de Psicología. Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: Madrid (España): McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España, S.A.U.; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [150.72 L36] (1).
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Nutrición, Diagnostico y Tratamiento
by Escott-Stump, Sylvia.
Edition: 5 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [641.1 Es192] (1).
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Nutrición Para la Salud, Condición fisica y Deporte
by Williams, Melvin H.
Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [613.7 W6703] (1).
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Embriología Clínica
by Moore, Keith L;
Castilleja Mendieta, Martha (Tr.);
Ocaña Castañeda, Ana María (Tr.).
Edition: 4a. ed.Publisher: México (México) : Nueva Editorial Interamericana S.A.de C.V., McGraw - Hill; 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [611.013 M821] (1).
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Biología Celular y Molecular Conceptos y Experimentos
by Karp Gerald.
Edition: 4 ed.Publisher: Colombia : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [574.87 K187b] (1).
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Tratado de Fisiología Médica
by Guyton, Arthur C.; Hall, John E;
Edition: 10a. ed.Publisher: México (México) : McGraw - Hill Interamericana: 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612 G992t1] (2).
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Fisiología humana
by Fox, Stuart Ira;
Agud Aparicio, José Luis;
Madero García, Santiago, (Tr.);
Camps del Saz, Pilar;
Alvarez Baleriola, Isabel (Tr.);
Perrino, Consuelo de Dios (Tr.).
Edition: 7a. ed.Publisher: España : Mcgraw - Hill Interamericana; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612 F69f] (2).
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Análisis cuantitativo para los negocios
by Bonini, Charles E;
Bierman, Harold;
Ávila de Barón, Cecilia;
Hausman, Warren H;
Solano Arevalo, Lily.
Edition: 9 ed.Publisher: Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia): McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A.; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [330.1 B6419] (1).
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Mercados financieros y estrategia empresarial
by Grinblatt, Mark;
Titman, Sheridan.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: México (México): McGraw-Hill / Interamericana de España S.A.U.; c2003Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.15 G74 2003] (1).
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Fisiología y Fisiopatología / Arthur C. Guyton
by Guyton, Arthur C.
Edition: 5 Ed.Publisher: México : McGraw Hill 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [612 G992] (1).
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Fisiología Médica Contemporánea
by Vick, Robert L.
Publisher: México : McGraw - Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612 V6632f] (1).
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Tratado de fisiología médica
by Guyton, Arthur C.
Edition: 7 Ed.Publisher: México : McGraw - Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612 G992t] (3).
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by Asociación Mexicana de Pediatría.
Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill/Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [618.92 As57] (1).
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Manual de diagnóstico de enfermería
by Carpenito, Lynda Juall.
Edition: 9a ed.Publisher: Bogotá (Colombia): McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España S.A.U.; 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [610.73 C224] (1).
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Fisiología y Fisiopatología
by Guyton, Arthur C.; Hall, John E;
Hall, John E.
Edition: 6 Ed.Publisher: México : McGraw Hill , 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612 G992f] (1).
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Nutrición en Salud y Enfermedad
by Shils, Maurice.
Edition: 9 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw Hill, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [612.3 Sh624] (2), Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) [612.3 Sh624] (2).
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Principios de finanzas corporativas
by Brealey, Richard A;
Myers, Stewart Clay;
Allen, Franklin.
Edition: 8 ed.Publisher: Madrid (España): McGraw-Hill /Interamericana de España S.A.U.; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.15 B73P 2006] (1).
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Matemáticas aplicadas a la administración, economía y ciencias sociales
by Harshbarger, Ronald J.
Edition: 7 ed.Publisher: México: McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 H324m] (2).
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Contabilidad de costos
by Gómez Bravo, Oscar.
Edition: 5 ed. Revisada Publisher: Bogotá McGraw-Hill 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Cali (Dr. Jairo Forero Morales) [657.42 G633 2005.] (1), Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 G633c] (4).
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Prácticas de la gestión empresarial
by García del Junco, Julio.
Publisher: Madrid : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 G216p] (1).
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Desarrollo de una cultura de calidad
by Cantú Delgado, Humberto;
Cantú Rodríguez, Jesús;
González Maya, Arturo.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: México (México): McGraw-Hill, Interamericana de editores S.A. de C.V.; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.562 C15 2006] (1).
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Calidad total y productividad
by Gutiérrez Pulido, Humberto.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 G968c] (1).
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Comportamiento del consumidor : Enfoque América latina
by Arellano Cueva, Rolando.
Publisher: México: McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 A679c] (1).
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Introducción a los negocios en un mundo cambiante
by Ferell, O. C.
Edition: 4 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill, 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [382 F349i2] (1).
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Administración : teoría, proceso y práctica
by Chiavenato, Idalberto.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: Santafé de Bogota : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 C532a] (1).
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by Ayres, Frank.
Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 A985m] (1).
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Secretos de la Medicina de Urgencias: Pregunta y Respuestas que Revelan los Secretos de la Medicina de Urgencias Segura y Eficaz
by Markovchick, Vincent J.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Intermericana Editores Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [616.025 M3422] (1).
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by Ayres, Frank.
Edition: 4 ed.Publisher: Santafé de Bogota : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 A985c] (1).
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Presupuestos : Enfoque de gestión, planeación y control de recursos
by Burbano Ruiz, Jorge E.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: Santafé de Bogota (Colombia): McGraw-Hill Interamericana S.A.; 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [330.1 B946p] (1).
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Vigilancia EpidemiológicaPublisher: España : McGraw Hill Interamericana de España Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [614.4 V683] (1).
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Ecuaciones Diferenciales
by Ayres, Frank.
Publisher: México, D.F.: McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 A985e] (1).
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Medicina Pediátrica Basada en Evidencias
by Asociación Mexicana de Pediatria.
Publisher: México : McGraw Hill interamericana Editores Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [618.92 As57] (1).
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Cálculo aplicado
by Hoffmann, Laurence D.
Edition: 8 ed.Publisher: México D. F.: McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 H699c] (3).
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Marketing Internacional
by Cateora, philip R.
Edition: 12 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [382 G359m] (1).
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by Bradford Delong, J;
Olney, Martha L.
Edition: 2 ed.Publisher: Madrid (España): McGraw Hill / Interamericana de España S.A.U.; 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [330.1 B799m] (1).
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Fundamentos de finanzas corporativas
by Brealey, Richard A.
Edition: 5 ed.Publisher: Madrid : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [382.01 B828f] (1).
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Publicidad y promoción : perspectiva de la comunicación de marketing integral
by Belch, George E.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 B427p] (1).
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Fundamentos de administración financiera
by Block, Stanley B;
Hirt, Geoffrey A.
Edition: 12 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [382 B651f] (1).
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Comunicación organizacional : principios y prácticas para negocios y profesiones
by Adler, Ronald B.
Edition: 8 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.45 A237c] (1).
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Lecturas Básicas de metodología de la investigación
by Calderón Gama, Héctor Raúl.
Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.1 C146l] (1).
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Administración : Un nuevo panorama competitivo
by Bateman, Thomas S.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 B328a] (1).
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Métodos cuantitativos para administración
by Hillier, Frederick S.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [362.11 H654m] (1).
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Sistemas de información gerencial / James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas
by O'Brien, James A.
Edition: 7 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw Hill, Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.4038 O132s1 2006] (1).
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Introducción a la investigación de operaciones
by Hillier, Frederick S;
Lieberman, Gerald J.
Edition: 8 ed.Publisher: México : McGraw-Hill 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.54 H654i] (1).
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Política económica
by Fernández Díaz Andrés.
Publisher: Madrid : McGraw-Hill / Interamericana de España S.A.U.; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [338.9 F37 2006] (1).
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Introducción a la teoría general de la administración
by Chiavenato, Idalberto.
Edition: 7 ed.Publisher: México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: No items available In transit (1).
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Matemáticas financieras
by Álvarez Arango, Alberto.
Edition: 3 ed.Publisher: Santafé de Bogotá: McGraw-Hill Interamericana Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [510 A473m] (1).
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Estrategia y gestión de la información corporativa : los retos de gestión en una economía en red
by Applegate, Lynda M.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: Madrid : McGraw Hill Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [658.4038 A648e] (1).
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Ingeniería económica
by Blank, Leland.
Edition: 6 ed.Publisher: México (México): McGraw Hill Interamericana de editores S.A. de C.V.; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte [338 B6111] (1).
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