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Interceptive Orthodontics : A Practical Guide to Occlusal Management

por Joseph H., Noar.
Editor: John Wiley & Sons, 2014Descripción: 96 páginas : ilustraciones.ISBN: 9780470656211; 9781118880289; 9781118917336.Tema(s): Ortodoncia interceptiva -- Manuales | Desarrollo maxilofacial | Oclusión dental | Maloclusión -- Casos clínicos | Ortodoncia correctiva | Dientes -- Crecimiento y desarrollo | Programa de Odontología | Especialización en Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Maxilar
1 Introducción. -- What do we know about growth?. -- Growth and development of the jaws 2. Recognising the problem. -- Is an attractive smile important? 9 3. Investigations : Radiographs. -- Cone-beam computed tomography. -- Study models. -- Photographs. -- What is the scope of orthodontic change? 4. Managing the developing occlusion : Thumb/finger sucking. -- Crowding of the permanent lateral incisors. -- Serial extraction: a modern approach. -- The unerupted central incisor. -- Submerging deciduous second molars. -- Fusion, gemination, and morphology issues. -- Upper labial fraenum. -- Leeway space and the use of intraoral anchorage arches. -- Sagittal problems: Class II. -- Sagittal problems: Class III. -- Ectopic and impacted teeth. -- Missing teeth
Resumen: Interceptive Orthodontics: A Practical Guide to Occlusal Management aims to guide the practitioner in the art of interceptive management of the developing dentition. The goal is to guide the permanent dentition into the line of the dental arches, avoiding complex orthodontic treatment for teeth displaced far from their ideal position, and thereby reducing orthodontic treatment time. This book covers growth of the jaws and tooth development, and explains the correct timing of interceptive management. It also discusses orthodontic assessment, special investigations and comprehensive management of the mixed dentition, taking in the issues of early crowding, impaction, supernumerary and supplemental teeth, dental arch expansion, space maintenance and space management. In line with best available evidence, it provides clear treatment objectives and detailed treatment planning advice. Practical, accessible and illustrated with a wealth of colour images, this is an ideal clinical companion for general dental practitioners, oral surgeons, paediatric dentists and orthodontists. It is also a valuable reference for all training grades.
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