1. The age of AI. -- 2. Rethinking the firm. -- 3. The AI factory. -- 4. Rearchitecting the firm. -- 5. Becoming an AI company. -- 6. Strategy for a new age. -- 7. Strategic collisions. -- 8. The ethics of digital scale, scope, and learning. -- 9. The new meta. -- 10. A leadership mandate.
En tránsito de Bogotá (Dr. David Ordóñez Rueda) - Campus Norte a Centro de Documentación (Clínica Odontológica Unicoc Bogotá) desde 2023-06-15 11:33:22
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Incluye índice.
1. The age of AI. -- 2. Rethinking the firm. -- 3. The AI factory. -- 4. Rearchitecting the firm. -- 5. Becoming an AI company. -- 6. Strategy for a new age. -- 7. Strategic collisions. -- 8. The ethics of digital scale, scope, and learning. -- 9. The new meta. -- 10. A leadership mandate.