Development of the Pulpodentin Complex. -- Formation and Repair of Dentin in the Adult. -- Pulpodentin Complex. -- Pulp as a Connective Tissue. -- Stem Cells and Regeneration of the Pulpodentin Complex. -- Circulation of the Pulp. -- Dental Innervation and Its Responses to Tooth Injury. -- Pain Pathways and Mechanisms of the Pulpodentin Complex. -- Pharmacologic Control of Dental Pain. -- Pulpal Infections, Including Caries. -- Molecular Mediators of Pulpal Inflammation. -- Interrelationship of the Pulp and Apical Periodontitis. -- Repair of Pulpal Injury with Dental Materials. -- Caries, Restorative Dentistry, and the Pulp. -- Effects of Thermal and Mechanical Challenges. -- Interrelationship of Pulpal and Periodontal Diseases. -- Root Resorption. -- Aging and the Pulp. -- Differential Diagnosis of Toothache: Odontogenic Versus Nonodontogenic Pain. -- Interrelationship of Pulp and Systemic Disease.