Memorias de la reunión mundial de derecho aduanero new york Andrés Rohde Ponce; Germán Pardo Carrero - 1 ed. - 137 páginas

Memorias de la Reunión Mundial de Derecho Aduanero
Nueva York-CIT 2014
El Derecho de la OMC. 20 años después de Marrakech
Acuerdo sobre Facilitación del Comerico
Prólogo. Profesor Germán Pardo Carrero ................................................... VII
Prologue ...................................................................................................... XI
Presentación. Profesor Andrés Rohde Ponce.............................................. XIII
Presentation................................................................................................. XVII
1. Promoting International Professional Exchange and Scholarship on Customs and International Trade Law: Opening Remarks at the 2014 World
Meeting of Customs Law, Patrick C. Reed (United States) ................... 1
2. The US Court of International Trade and Its Role is US Customs Law
honorable juez Jane A. Restani y honorable juez Leo M. Gordon (United
States) ..................................................................................................... 7
3. Perspectives on Twenty-Five Years of Customs and Trade Adjudication
in Canada. Honorable juez Stephen A. Leach (Canada) ........................ 15
4. Recent trends in case law on unfair trade remedies: WTO, the CAFC
and CIT. Paul C. Rosenthal (United States) ........................................... 61
5. Operadores de comercio exterior: gestión de riesgo, imparcialidad e igualdad jurídica. Juan José Lacoste (Colombia) ......................................... 89
6. One Prospective Ruling and Other Stories: recommendations on Best
Practices. Myles Harmon (United States) .............................................. 123
7. Discurso de clausura. Andrés Rohde Ponce (presidente de ICLA) ........ 135


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