Cram, Donald J.

Organic chemistry / Donald J. Cram, George S. Hammond - 2 - Tokio : McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. - X, 849 P.

Incluye Índice

Hydrocarbons - Characteristic reactions and determination of structure - Compounds containing simple fuctional groups - Interconversion of functional groups - Functional groups containing unsaturated carbon - Synthetic schemes and reactions at unsaturated groups - Character of chemical bonding - Stereochemistry - Physical properties - Correlation of structure and reactivity - Organic reactions - Nucleophilic substitution at saturated carbon - Scope and mechanism in nucleophilic substitution at saturated carbon - Elimination reactions - nucleophilic substitution at unsaturated carbon - Electrophilic and relation and related additions to ussaturated carbon - Electrophilic substitution at unsaturated carbon - Electrophilic substitution at saturated carbon - Molecular rearrangements - Radical reactions - Oxidation and reduction - Organic synthesis - Heterocyclic compounds - Amino acids. peptides, and alkaloids - Carbohydrates and phenolic plant productions - Lipids, terpenes, and steroids - Natural and synthetic polymers - Petroleum chemistry - Absorption spectra of organic compounds - Literature of organic chemistry

Texto en inglés


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