Leeson , Roland

Atlas of histology. Roland, Leeson ; Thomas S. Leeson ; Anthony A. Paparo - 2a ed. - Philadelphia (Estados Unidos) : W.B. Saunders Company; 1985. - 321 p.; Fotografías a color;

Incluye prefacio y tabla de contenido.

The Cell -- Epithelium -- Connective tissue proper -- Specialized Connective Tissue: Cartilage and Bone -- Specialized Connective Tissue: Blood -- Muscle -- Nervous Tissue -- The circulatory system -- Lymphoid Organs -- The Skin and Its Appendages ; The digestive system ; The Respiratory System ; The Urinary system ; The Endocrine system ; The Female Reproductive system ; The Male Reproductive system ; Organs of Special Sense


Histología comparada--Atlas
Anatomía humana

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