/ Jan Marshall Friedman, Fred J. Dill, Michael R. Hayden, Barbara C. McGillivray
- 2 ed.
- United States : Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
- xv, 294 páginas : fotografías, esquemas, cuadros ;
- National medical series for independent study .
1. Nature of the Genetic Material. -- 2. Chromosome Anomalies. -- 3. Single Gene Alterations. -- 4. Genetic Polymorphism. -- 5. Linkage and Mapping. --
6. DNA Diagnosis. --
7. Population Genetics. -- 8. Biochemical Basis of Disease. -- 9. Genetic and Environmental Interaction. -- 10. Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis. -- 11. Cancer and Genetics. -- 12. Developmental Genetics. -- 13. Clinical Genetic Evaluation. -- 14. Prenatal Diagnosis. -- 15. Genetic Counseling. -- 16. Treatment of Genetic Disease. -- 17. Ethical Issues in Medical Genetics. --
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Genética. Genetics Medical genetics Antropogenética Examination Questions